Good afternoon everyone! I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful weather and thinking about how wonderful it will be to be at the pool in about a month. I'm looking forward to getting everyone back in the water for another great season!
Here are some preliminary dates for everyone to think about:
May 2 : Registration for the Torpedo begins!
May 23 : Afternoon Practices begin! Times to be Determined!
June 11 : Stroke and Turn Clinic for parents at Valdese: 10 AM. Lunch provided after the training!
June 13 : Normal summer schedule begins: Age Groups 11-18 in the AM, 8&Under-10 year in the PM. Times to be determined!
Here is the meet schedule for this year:
June 14 : Valdese Torpedo at McDowell Mariners
June 21 : Valdese Torpedo hosts Granite Falls Sharks
June 30 : Valdese Torpedo at Morganton
July 8 : Valdese Torpedo hosts McDowell Mariners
July 12 : Valdese Torpedo hosts Morganton
July 14 : Valdese Torpedo at Transylvania Aquabats
July 19 : Valdese Torpedo at Granite Falls Sharks
July 30 : League Championships at Granite Falls
The Sprint/ Distance Meet at Forest City is yet to be determined.